The Leading Voice

Do you wish you could project confidence and deliver a compelling message in high stakes professional situations? Do you walk into meetings and negotiations feeling capable and well-prepared, yet walk away feeling unheard? Do you hesitate to offer your opinion because your ideas have been ignored in the past?

Despite academic and professional success, women often struggle to voice their ideas in ways that reflect their talent and abilities—affecting advancement opportunities, compensation levels and job satisfaction. While the reasons for this disconnect between ideas and communication are complex, there are strategies and proven techniques to bridge the gap between what women know and what women say.

The Leading Voice LLC is a coaching firm that works with high-potential women to develop a vocal presence in the workplace. Using an innovative approach to voice, coaches work with clients to identify and overcome physical, emotional and strategic obstacles to effective communication with proven strategies for sustained behavioral change. Through action-oriented, group and individual programs The Leading Voice LLC provides clients with the practical tools and techniques they need to connect clear ideas with confident communication.